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Punishments Only
The Bath Brushed Brat – Punishments Only

I invited Andy Moon to come along with me on a poker trip. I explained clearly to her that I was going to be busy most of the day, and she’d have to entertain herself. I made sure she knew and understood this before allowing her to come along. She claimed she did.

And yet, all weekend long I had to hear about how bored she was all day, and just generally having a bad attitude. I spanked her a few different times, but the effects didn’t seem to last longer than a few hours. Andy was being a brat.

After two days of this, I’d finally had enough. I’d had to turn my phone on silent when she wouldn’t stop texting, and then in a moment of thoughtlessness and pure selfishness, she found which table I was sitting at and tried waving me down to get me to come give her attention. Enough is enough.

When the tournament takes a break at 9 pm, I take the little brat straight to our room. I lecture her, I scold her, and then I pull down her pants and spank her. But this time, that isn’t going to be enough. I’ve had to spank her too many times already this weekend, and her attitude and behavior have only become egregiously unacceptable. So after her first spanking is over, I take her to the corner, where she stands in corner time for 10 minutes. This footage is time lapsed for most of the silent moments, but played at normal speed when Andy is periodically scolded and lectured further during her corner time punishment. A timer is viewable so you can see that she does in fact have to keep still and stand facing the corner for 10 minutes.

After her corner time, it is time for this to be a lesson Andy will never forget. I spank her with the bath brush, and I don’t hold anything back. By the time I’m done with the bath brush, Andy is screaming and crying, with tears coming out of her eyes, smearing her makeup. Her bottom is very thoroughly spanked, but I still give her a final hand spanking on her swollen bottom to put a final exclamation point on the spanking of a lifetime.

I take her into my arms and lay with her in bed to comfort her and assure her that it’s all over. The punishment should cleanse her of guilt; she just needs to remember this lesson so she doesn’t have to be spanked so severely ever again.

Andy Moon, Loren

The Bath Brushed Brat.mp4 - 2.6 GB

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The Last Time She'll Ever Flake - Punishments Only

When Riley and I made lunch plans, she simply didn't show. I texted her, I called her, and there was no response. I was deeply disappointed by such disrespect. No matter how unintentional and unmalicious her behavior may have been, it was supremely unthoughtful.

I went home to our apartment, and I waited for her. When she shows up, I immediately confront her as soon as she walks through the door. Riley can tell that I am more than a little displeased with her. I grab her by the arm, lead her to the living room, and instruct her to kneel. I lecture her, I scold her, and I make it clear that I'm going to make certain that this never happens again. And when it comes to behavior modification and teaching a girl a lesson that she won't ever forget, there's nothing quite like a good old fashioned spanking.

First I pull down her pants, then I pin Riley over my knee and promptly use my hand to spank her bare bottom. After awhile, once I'm sure that a big impression is being made, I instruct Riley to stand, and I lead her to the corner. For 15 minutes, she has to stand still, facing the corner, not moving and not speaking unless she is asked a direct question. Periodically, I remind her that she is to be reflecting on why she's being disciplined, and I further scold her for her thoughtlessness. After an excruciating 15 minutes - which you the viewer are able to see condensed, with the footage sped up whenever there is no dialogue so you can see her having to stay still without having to suffer the same mundanity as her - it is time for this punishment to be kicked up a notch.

I lead Riley back to the couch, lay her down over pillows, take off my belt, and I see to it that Riley is thoroughly belted. 178 belt swats later, Riley is finally done being belted. Her bottom is swollen and throbbing in pain, but I am determined to drive the lesson home. I give Riley a final hand spanking on her tender, extra sensitive and already well spanked bottom, and while it is brisk, it is clearly excruciating for her.

Finally, Riley's punishment is over. I sternly remind her that I won't hesitate to discipline her again if she makes me, but reassure her that it's over now as I rub her back and her thoroughly spanked bottom. Once she's calmed down and come back to earth so to speak, I instruct her to go get ready for a late lunch together.

Loren, Riley Haze

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6 Cigarettes, 60 Severe Swats (actually 61) full version - Punishments Only

6 Cigarettes, 60 Severe Swats (actually 61) with my girlfriend Nurse Tiffany now available!… her face isn’t in any of the free promos, but it is in the full version!

Loren, Tiffany

6 Cigarettes 60 Severe Swats actually 61.mp4 - 3.2 GB

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100 Cold Swats for Miss Anna (actually 103) - Punishments Only

Anna’s unhealthy smoking habit had been trending in the right direction. Every month, the number of cigarettes she had continually decreased. Alas, we were unable to meet for a couple months, and during that time, her progress backtracked.

Determined to get back towards the goal of her quitting completely, we decided to pick this Real Discipline series back up. I suggested that we reverse the usual order of things: first come the implement swats, administered on her cold bare bottom, and then after five minutes of corner time, the monthly maintenance spanking with my hand is administered on top of her already swollen and throbbing bottom. That means less endorphins and adrenaline to help her get through the implement swats – i.e. more PAIN – and an extra sensitive and tender bottom when I give her a thorough spanking with my hand.

From now on, this is the way our Real Discipline series will go. And once she has finally kicked the habit completely, she will still get a monthly maintenance spanking with my hand as a reminder, but without having wood, leather, or other instrument of severe behavior correction applied to her bottom. Until that day comes, however, it’s cold swats every month for poor Miss Anna’s bottom.

Part 1 includes the initial lecture and scolding, followed by the first 55 swats: 10 with the wooden paddle, 10 with the blue acrylic cane, 10 with the delrin cane, 20 with two different leather straps, and 5 with a different wooden paddle.

Part 2 is the final 5 with the last wooden paddle, followed by a brisk 20 with the bath brush, and 20 with my leather belt. Then it’s 5 minutes of corner time, followed by a thorough spanking with my hand before I provide Anna with MUCH needed after care.

Loren, Miss Anna

100 Cold Swats for Miss Anna actually 103.mp4 - 2.9 GB

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100 Swats Oughtta Do It - Punishments Only

Before Dria and I ever met in person, she contacted me while visiting New Orleans to ask if she could get paid in advance for our first session together (see: Financial Irresponsibility) because she’d run out of money on her vacation. The next month, her three roommates and she all hoped that one of them would have enough to cover their rent; they were all short, and needed my help (see: Spanktopia). I warned her that if we had to address this topic again, she was going to get a 100 swat punishment.

Sure enough, at the end of January, she contacted me to ask if we could do the shoot we had planned for mid February early. Her roommates all had their share of the rent, but after December when I had to punish all four of them, she was afraid to ask if any of them had enough extra cash to loan her. I told her that I would help her out and we could do our shoot in time for her to pay her rent, but it would have been a tremendous disservice to her well being if I didn’t hold true to my word and administer a 100 swat punishment. First she gets spanked over my knee with my hand, then she’s sent to the corner to think about her irresponsible spending habits — she works two jobs, but she just keeps buying new clothes and make up without checking her funds — and why she was about to get a brutal punishment.

After corner time, I bend her over and bind her down to the spanking bench. With no possible escape, I administer 30 swats with paint sticks, 20 with the thin wooden stick, 10 with the wooden paddle, 10 strokes with my leather belt, 10 with the wooden rattan cane, 10 with the Tear Jerker Delrin Cane, and 10 with the blue Acrylic Cane. A few extra get slipped in because in her overwhelmed state, her counting gets messed up a few different times.

After the 100 swat punishment, I administer a final hand spanking while she is still bound in the bent over position to really drive the lesson home that she is too smart to be such a shopaholic. Panicking at the end of each month, hoping that someone will come to her rescue with rent money, is highly immature for such a hard working girl with a good brain like Dria. But the punishment was administered out of love and concern, and with her best interests at heart, so as always, I provide genuine and much needed aftercare. I remove her the velcro that kept her bound in place, take off the cuffs, and take her to the couch to be held and comforted, rubbing her back and her swollen bottom as I kiss her forehead and assure her that I know she can do better.

The final few minutes after cuddling are a slow motion montage replay, followed by a 30 second time lapse of the initial OTK hand spanking I gave her.

Dria Submits, Loren

100 Swats Oughtta Do It.mp4 - 3.3 GB

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Spanktopia Pt1 - Punishments Only

Stevie Rose, Cupcake Sinclair, Apricot Pitts, and Dria Submits are all friends of mine and models I’ve worked with. They are also all housemates. In months passed, sometimes one of them has had to borrow money from one of her housemates directly, or from the envelope where they keep funds for either a rainy day or, as the case might be, a bender in Vegas. However, this plan doesn’t work so well when none of them have enough money for their share of rent, their common fund has been depleted, and they are all short the amount they need to pay for November’s rent. They didn’t even figure this out until 12/3, two days after it was due.

Dria had previously borrowed money from me when she hadn’t budgeted properly for her trip to New Orleans a month earlier, and rather than pay me back the money I’d sent her, she agreed to be punished on film for her irresponsibility. She suggested to her housemates that they see if maybe I might lend them the money they need, without having to be punished by me for their lack of communication with each other and irresponsibility. Yeah, right…

Part 1 begins with a brief intro, followed by a brief lecture to all four girls as they kneel, and then they’re all put in corner time. Each girl is then taken out of the corner, one at a time, pinned over my knee, pants pulled down, given a severe hand spanking, and then sent back to the corner. This is shown for all four girls from the bottom camera angle, followed by the face cam of each girl getting her first spanking of the day, their day of punishment hell. After that, all four girls are in corner time again, spanked bare bottoms vulnerably exposed and on display. Then again, they are each taken one by one while the others remain in corner time, brought over to the couch, pinned over my knee, and severely spanked. But round two is mostly with the bath brush (I throw in some spanks with my hand for good measure). All four girls’ bath brushings are shown from the bottom cam, then there is a brief slow motion montage of the same punishments, and then Cupcake’s bath brush spanking is shown from the face cam. The face cam for the remaining three bath brushings are shown in part 2.

Apricot Pitts, Cupcake SinClair, Dria Submits, Loren, Stevie Rose

Spanktopia Part 1 PO.mp4 - 2.8 GB

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Spanktopia Pt2 (Broken Paddle) - Punishments Only

611 smacks from my hand. 191 spanks with the bath brush. 95 paddle swats. 40 cane strokes, and 26 with the belt.

Part 2 begins with the girls are again all together in corner time: it is time for the punishment to be kicked up a notch. For this third round, major implements are involved. And to ensure an efficient punishment process, only one girl remains in corner time while the other two are instructed to hold down the spankee’s ankles and wrists. First up again is Cupcake: 15 with the belt, 15 with the cane, 15 with the lexan paddle, then a bunch of hand spanks (for good measure, of course), 20 with the thin paddle (thin as in not wide, it’s rather thick and heavy), then some more hand spanks.

Apricot Pitts, Cupcake SinClair, Dria Submits, Loren, Stevie Rose

Spanktopia Part 2 PO.mp4 - 3.2 GB

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[Image: Spanktopia_Part2_Broken_Paddle.mp4.jpg]
Spanktopia Pt3 (Broken Paddle Face Cam POV) - Punishments Only

Part 3 shows the face cam POV for each girl’s third round of punishment. Each girl gets at least teary eyed and close to crying, and in the case of Stevie and Apricot, there is full on crying before their punishments are over. Apricot in particular is not a heavy bottom, and being punished by me pushes her limits in a way that you will want to witness.

After their third round of punishments is the grand finale to leave a lasting impression: each girl is sent to the shower for a very quick rinse, then taken over my knee for a wet bottom spanking while the others remain in corner time. This is shown first from the bottom cam angle in regular time, then in slow motion, and finally from the face cam POV. I think it’s safe to say that they will all be more financially responsible in the future.

Apricot Pitts, Cupcake SinClair, Dria Submits, Loren, Stevie Rose

Spanktopia Part 3 PO.mp4 - 3.7 GB

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[Image: Spanktopia_Pt3_Broken_Paddle_Face_Cam_POV.mp4.jpg]
Spanktopia Full HD Film - Punishments Only

611 smacks from my hand. 191 spanks with the bath brush. 95 paddle swats. 40 cane strokes, and 26 with the belt.

Stevie Rose, Cupcake Sinclair, Apricot Pitts, and Dria Submits are all friends of mine and models I’ve worked with. They are also all housemates. In months passed, sometimes one of them has had to borrow money from one of her housemates directly, or from the envelope where they keep funds for either a rainy day or, as the case might be, a bender in Vegas. However, this plan doesn’t work so well when none of them have enough money for their share of rent, their common fund has been depleted, and they are all short the amount they need to pay for November’s rent. They didn’t even figure this out until 12/3, two days after it was due.

Dria had previously borrowed money from me when she hadn’t budgeted properly for her trip to New Orleans a month earlier, and rather than pay me back the money I’d sent her, she agreed to be punished on film for her irresponsibility. She suggested to her housemates that they see if maybe I might lend them the money they need, without having to be punished by me for their lack of communication with each other and irresponsibility. Yeah, right………

Apricot Pitts, Cupcake SinClair, Dria Submits, Loren, Stevie Rose

Spanktopia Full Film PO.mp4 - 9.7 GB

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A Thorough Spanking & a SEVERE Beating - Full Film - Punishments Only

When Cupcake had asked to lend my car to her friend Elori, I gave her a simple answer: no. So as you can imagine, I wasn’t too happy when I heard that Elori had crashed my car.

Fast forward a little, I bring home both girls and sit them down for a stern lecture. Elori should know better than to let Cupcake lend her my car when she knows my answer is no — she’s going to get a very thorough spanking. But first, she has to watch as I address the matters for which Cupcake is in trouble: she lied to me, and she very deliberately disobeyed me. These are not issues I take lightly.

As Cupcake focuses on Elori’s crash instead of her shocking disobedience, and knowing her and her high pain threshold as I do, I decide that spanking the disobedience out of her is going to take *SEVERE* measures. I don’t waste any time, and begin with full swats with the heavy bath brush.

Somehow, Cupcake’s legendary stubbornness is able to give the bath brush a serious run for its money. It’s clear that Cupcake is pissed off at Elori for crashing, as if that’s to blame for her being in trouble, and she doesn’t want to give me the satisfaction of humbling her in front of Elori. Too bad. I am determined to beat her bottom into a pulp if that’s what it takes to break her will. She fragrantly disobeyed me and involved her friend, so I’m determined to effectively communicate that I do not stand for such behavior.

Finally, after hundreds upon hundreds upon hundreds of brutal swats with the bath brush — often delivered in rapid procession — Cupcake’s tough shell of pride cracks and crumbles. And with it goes her stoicism, as the hardheaded girl is finally made to react like she’s in pain and embarrassed. But it’s not enough to simply her to accept the indignity of being spanked over my knee in front of Elori. “A spanking doesn’t start until you want it to stop” is a favorite saying of mine, and as long as it took, Cupcake has only just now started acting like she wants it to stop. So her spanking has only just now started.

I continue to spank the daylights out of her with the bath brush, occasionally switching in my hand just for good measure, and soak in the satisfaction of having defeated Cupcake’s obstinacy. Finally, it is time to take the heavy lexan (clear plastic) paddle to Cupcake’s severely swollen and beaten bottom. I give her a dozen or so at the beginning, and then I have her begin counting from 1 all the way up to 100.

At long last, it is time for Elori to be spanked.

Elori and Cupcake switch places, and I quickly take Elori over my knee and pull down her pants. I lecture and scold her for a minute, then I begin to spank her with my hand. Punishments in my house do not begin with a warm up, and the smacks I administer upon Elori’s cold and unspanked bottom are forceful. It doesn’t take long before they begin landing in rapid procession, as I hold Elori down firmly — it’s easy when the girl is only 4’8! — and spank her methodically.

Not having Cupcake’s pain tolerance, I decide that while Elori needs to be disciplined with more than just my hand, I use a good solid rubber spatula on her instead of the bath brush. This continues on for awhile, and then I decide to use the wooden paddle on Elori. 50 severe swats are administered as Elori is made to count, her voice quivering and her bottom throbbing.

Determined to leave an extra long lasting impression on both girls, I give them both final hand spankings on their extra tender and sensitive bottoms. Once this is over, I take them both into my arms, comforting them, while also making sure they both understand that discipline is administered out of love, and with their best interests in mind. I reassure them that their punishment is over, but that they need to know to expect a spanking when they get out of line.

Cupcake SinClair, Elori Stix, Loren

A Thorough Spanking & a SEVERE Beating Full Film.mp4 - 2.3 GB

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