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Well Spanked Bottom
Dizzy Izzy - a word from Auntie - Well Spanked Bottom

You have been waiting a long time…

But finally the tales from Auntie Rose’s house come back brand new and rejuvenated for 2014!!! Auntie Rose takes on troubled young girls to her home in Kent who have been sent to her by their loved ones. Often their parents, or their friends, or their partners have reached breaking point and are left with no option but to ask Auntie Rose for an intervention.

In this preamble Auntie refreshes your memory on who she is as well as what she hopes to achieve for all the young females that have passed through her hands over the years. She tells you what her ongoing approach for these females will be, before she tells you the story of Izzy.

Isabel is the newest young lady to be sent to Auntie Rose’s house for the summer. She has just turned eighteen and according to her mother she has been preparing herself for a very wild start to adulthood.

But before her behaviour has a chance to get well and truly out of hand her mother sends her to Auntie Rose’s to nip all her naughty behaviour in the bud!

-Auntie will also show you in this clip a preview of what you can expect to see when Isabel came to stay.

After all, as Auntie always says, “The best lessons are learnt on a… well! spanked! bottom!

Isabel Dean, Rose Cavendish

Dizzy Izzy a word from Auntie.mp4 - 243.1 MB

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[Image: Dizzy_Izzy_a_word_from_Auntie.mp4.jpg]
Dizzy Izzy Part 1 - Well Spanked Bottom

The trouble with Izzy…

When a good girl goes bad is she gone forever?

Isabel has been sent to Auntie Rose’s house for the summer. Unbeknownst to her, she is going to be spending her stay there under Auntie’s watchful eye and living by her rules. Although she has spent time with Auntie it has always been when Auntie visited her and her mummy in London.

She had certainly never encountered Auntie’s firm ways or even firmer hand. But within just moments of arriving at Auntie’s she is very quickly taught that this visit will have far fewer smiles than any others. And just as the shock of being trapped in Auntie’s house starts to sink in…

Auntie drops the bombshell!!!

She is to get her first spanking for all the naughty things she had done at home that landed her here in the first place…

Isabel DeanRose Cavendish

Dizzy Izzy Part 1.mp4 - 517.0 MB

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[Image: Dizzy_Izzy_Part_1.mp4.jpg]
Dizzy Izzy Part 2 - Well Spanked Bottom

Silly Izzy…

Even when Auntie has told her that she is headed the right way for a bare bottom spanking she still thinks it’s all just a silly joke! That is of course until she finds herself OTK and Auntie’s hand dancing a fandango on her seat.

Isabel might well have thought that Auntie was joking when she said she would teach her a lesson she would not soon forget. But as that first unconventional lesson hit home she very quickly re-adjusted her way of thinking…

But you would have thought that this first spanking would put Izzy off any more mischief right?

Wrong! Only days later Isabel was up to no good yet again!

Isabel DeanRose Cavendish

Dizzy Izzy Part 2.mp4 - 236.4 MB

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[Image: Dizzy_Izzy_Part_2.mp4.jpg]
Dizzy Izzy Part 4 - Well Spanked Bottom

Just when Auntie is starting to feel that she is getting through to Izzy it all falls apart in the worst way possible…

Auntie is reading her book on the couch when Izzy sneaks off with a friend.

Auntie jumps up but it is too late: the young girl has made good her escape!

Auntie is livid! And a quick call to Susan confirms her worst fears; Izzy has most likely run off with her Boyfriend from London.

But Auntie is patient. She bides her time and waits all night until Izzy sneaks back in…

Isabel Dean, Rose Cavendish

Dizzy Izzy Part 4.mp4 - 234.8 MB

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[Image: Dizzy_Izzy_Part_4.mp4.jpg]
Dizzy Izzy Part 6 - Well Spanked Bottom

The stress of Auntie’s tough rules is getting to Izzy… So she sneaks off for a cigarette

Only Auntie catches her! And marches her upstairs to wash the filth from her hair and body… And then it’s off to the bedroom for a spanking with talcum powder …

Isabel Dean, Rose Cavendish

Dizzy Izzy Part 6.mp4 - 555.1 MB

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[Image: Dizzy_Izzy_Part_6.mp4.jpg]
Dizzy Izzy Part 7 - Well Spanked Bottom

A spanking in the daytime means a spanking at night.

Izzy thought she had got away with misbehaving and having received her spanking for the earlier smoking incident. But she was soon to learn the hard way that Auntie remained consistent with reinforcing her rules.

And this one in particular was a difficult one to learn. Because a spanking in the daytime means a spanking at night!

Isabel Dean, Rose Cavendish

File Name : Dizzy Izzy Part 7.mp4
File Size : 376.77 MB
Resolution : 1280x720
Duration : 00:05:27

Dizzy Izzy Part 7.mp4 - 376.8 MB

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